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Sparrow’s Sugar Rush Adventure

What is Sugar Rush?

Have you ever felt a mild sense of euphoria and happiness when eating an excessive amount of sweet foods or beverages? That’s because your brain release dopamine and endorphin as a physiological effect of consuming too much sugar or glucose, usually in the form of cakes, cookies and soda. This is usually accompanied by a strong surge of energy as the sugar gets transported in the bloodstream. Called Sugar Rush, the high sensation often only lasts an hour or two.

Happy Sparrow’s Sugar Rush Adventure

In Sparrow’s Sugar Rush Adventures, participants will be exposed to sweet and marvelous desserts which they may not have experienced before. Participants will be brought into the world of ‘sweetness’ where their taste buds are constantly challenged. However, to get to taste those delicious sweet stuffs, they will have to work for it. There will be obstacles along the way for the participants to complete. And every completion of the missions will lead them to something wonderful.

Through communication, teamwork and some creative thinking, they will be constantly challenged during their journey in search of those sweet ‘wonderlicious’ desserts. Sparrow’s Sugar Rush Adventure is part of the amazing food hunt teambuilding adventure series where participants will have half a day of sweetness!

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